Thursday, January 19, 2012


2011 was a great year for JIGG, we got a LOT of great games played, made a lot of new friends and increased our numbers. I have a good feeling that 2012 will be an even better year! So in the spirit of getting things going...
We're planning on having a presence at the Game Market in Osaka and Tokyo.

Here's where you come in

We looking for creative souls to help us design a Logo that we can print on flyers, card, t-shirts and the like. Feel free to use the current website banner as your muse, or come up with something awesomely spectacular.

I have no barely have a creative bone in my body, so we're looking to you (JIGG gamers) and your friends.

Help us design a FANTASTIC Logo for our great Guild. If you know someone who is good at designing/arts/graphics, tell them about this great opportunity also.

thumbsup The logo should have the letters JIGG in it

thumbsup The logo can be in color, but remember it'll need to be able to be printed on various media, and sometimes it'll be printed in Black & White.

thumbsup You can enter more than one Logo.

thumbsup Send your Entries and your name to jiggtokyo (at mark) titled "JIGG LOGO COMPETITION"

thumbsup Entrants need to have a mailing address in Japan

The Deadline will February 29th, 2012.


My stick figure drawings won't cut the mustard, so in addition I'll be donating some FANTASTIC board games to the lucky winner of the competition (who will be chosen from a panel of judges - no it's not Paula from American idol). These will be HOT games.

an example of what a big prize would look like

there's no time to waste get those entries in
The competition starts now!

Click here to see the FANTASTIC ENTRIES here.

Mercedes (have any questions, feel free to post here or mail me)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Welcome to JIGG Tokyo's new blog

Happy New Year everyone!
Welcome to our new blog for JIGG (Japan International Gamers Guild).  Here we can keep up to date with the latest JIGG news, hot games, and events.   For newcomers, we play a huge variety of fun and great board games, and I'm sure we'll have something suited to your tastes.  Please check out our About Page to find out more about our group.

Last year we saw JIGG Tokyo grow bigger in size, and it's still growing.  We went from once a month game day in Mejiro, to twice a month - Mejiro & Ayase.  The exciting news for 2012, is that we'll be trying to add on a 3rd game day in Setagaya.  2011, was a FANTASTIC year for new and republished board games.  A lot of our members bought a tonne of games, and there are more to come. 

We kicked off 2012 with a great gaming day at Castle Tintagel - Mejiro on Jan 15th, with about 18 members showing up.  Lots of fun was had by all.  Stay tuned for a Game Day Review.   I'll put up links here a bit later on :)

So invite your friends, come check us out.  New players are always welcome. 

Let's make 2012 a great year for making new friends, growing our group, having fun AND of course...
playing lots of great games!
Game on!

Shadow Hunters

This great game シャドウハンターズ was designed by Yasutaka Ikeda and published in 2005.  Due to it's huge success, there are now several versions released in various languages all over the world!

It's a very easy to learn game.  Players are given a secret role which tells them which team they are on, which are : the Hunters, Neutrals, and Shadows fighting for survival.  Using 2 dice, they move around the different locations (which are randomly assigned) and perform actions that either deal damage or help another player, to slowly work out who is on their team and who is not.  The team left standing at the end of the game is the winner.

This is a really fun social game.  There's a lot to do, and anyone can play it.  It was so fun that I went out and bought myself a copy.   My friends have all enjoyed this game and we often play it with various groups.  It might be a bit hard to find as it's quite a popular game, so come visit one of our Gaming Days, and try it out.  I highly recommend it! 

No. of players: 4-8, I recommend 5 players or more
Playing Time: 30 minutes
Suitable for: new players, experienced players, adults